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Vulcan Mind-Meld Meditation - Object Passing

To me, as far as the theories of Visualization and Meditation go, I would only have to assume that logically, this would be a practical, working (and quite "logical") exercise.

I haven't practiced this with anyone, but I have a strong possible feeling about it. As with any meditation and practice, practice makes perfect. I know that Star Trek gets a lot of their Alien cultural ideas from Earth Pagan ideologies. Besides Pagan (or Nature-based) beliefs being the first practiced on Earth when our species first evolved (according to Scientific evidence), the Vulcans on Star Trek appear to have meditation standards similar in context to Buddhism and many other Far Eastern Earth beliefs. Therefore, it is logical to state the probability of a such practice as a "Mind-Meld", and perhaps many smaller meditational practices that are centered around this Mind-Meld, all functional.

For this meditation, you will need two people, and maybe two comfortable chairs which face each other at a close proximity, unless you are comfortable sitting "Indian Style".

Both people must adjust their middle fingers into an incomplete ring and place the tips of the thumbs (lower) on the other person's jawline, and the tips of the middle fingers (higher) on the other person's temple.

Both people must continuously chant: My Mind To Your Mind. My Thoughts To Your Thoughts. We Are One.

It's true they only say it once on Star Trek, but there are various reasons why. First, they could be "simplifying" the show by not showing a long meditation ritual. Else, the people on Star Trek (since it is in the future) could be at a higher evolutionary phase than we are at the current time. I could definitely agree with the futuristic probability of not having to chant words of manifestation, but perhaps only need to say them once with the mind's focus on the topic of manifestation.

One person must visualize an object in their hand. Visualize it as strong and clear as you possibly can. In a way, you can visualize the object in a second pair of hands in your lap, where your physical hands are your mind's connection between you and the other person. Anything, such as a ball (perhaps a medicine ball), or even a particular (small) object of interest will do. Be aware that if the object is too large to physically hold with enough comfort, then it is probably too large to mentally hold with enough comfort. (Not that it's impossible, but save that maybe for a larger manifestation ritual, such as bringing money or positive energy...)

Once the person visualizing the object believes that he/she has it visualized strong enough for it to be felt by the other person, then he/she should mentally pass it over in meditation to the other person.

The other person should then mentally pass it back in meditation to the first person.

Both people should take note of the meditational results, such as ask the question: Could I feel him/her pass the visualized object over to me. It might even be more of an excerise and a challenge if only the one person visualizing the object knew what the object was that was being dealt. Then the second person can take note of how much of the object his/her mind was able to absorb from the first person's visualization, and connection through the Vulcan Mind-Meld.

In the case that only the one person that visualizes the object knows what the object is, until (hopefully) the other person recieves it mentally, through meditation, after meditation, the other person should physically describe to the "Visualizer" his/her perceptions of the object, as taken mentally, through meditation, from the Visualizer. The Visualizer can help with confirmations of accuracy or inaccuracy.

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